It was all smiles as members of the new Fire Station 15 project in Kennydale teamed up to break... One of our leading community projects has been to build a new fire station in the Kennydale area to... When Renton firefighters arrived on the scene at Merrill Gardens on January 16, 2018, they expected to see flames.... Renton Regional Fire Authority has been developing a recipe for success….for food trucks! The Renton Regional Fire Authority Governance... Out with the old, in with the new. Renton is now the proud owner of two new E-One Cyclone... Home fire sprinklers can contain, and in many cases extinguish, a fire in less time than it takes the... Oil based paints, stains, and varnishes are often used for home improvement projects. It is not uncommon to use... Natural gas is an excellent source of energy for your home. It is economical, reliable, and safe for the…
Fire Station 15 Groundbreaking Ceremony
The Future Home of Renton Fire Station 15
Renton RFA Awards Eve Repunte a Citizen Award
Upcoming Changes to Food Truck Fire Code
New Engines Improve Fire and Rescue Operations
Benefits of Residential Fire Sprinklers
Safety Check: Storing Paint, Brushes, and Oily Rags
Safety Tips: Natural Gas