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Healthy Heart Program Visits Honey Dew Elementary

Healthy Heart Program Visits Honey Dew Elementary

While the environment is a rich mix of education and fun, the faculty and students at Honey Dew Elementary take health and wellness seriously. Our crews were on-site today as part of our Healthy Heart program delivering blood pressure checks, blood sugar checks, and healthy lifestyle education to students.

Crews were set up in two stations – with half the participating students getting their health screens done in one area, and the other half receiving healthy lifestyle education in another before swapping. While the student’s anticipation of the blood sugar needle prick was palpable, all of them put on a brave face, encouraged each other, and came out with a positive understanding of their personal wellness. Crews discussed with each student their personal heart healthy habits, congratulated their existing efforts, and made recommendations on how they could continue to support their heart health into the future.

When it came to the healthy lifestyle portion, students were all ears to learn about the importance of healthy diet and exercise. They engaged, asked great questions, and participated in a few competitions toward the end of each lesson. All in all, we’re so grateful for the opportunity provided by the faculty and the parents of the Honey Dew Elementary students, and inspired by the student’s eagerness to interact and learn. Their support of our program allows us to touch the lives of children – our future leaders – and continue to work toward our commitment to building safer, healthier, stronger community for us all.