During a home fire, you may have as little as one to two minutes to escape safely from the... Significant Incidents: July 2019 Renton RFA responded to 1,621 incidents during the month of July 2019. Below are details... Address Guidelines: Visible addresses on homes can help firefighters find you quickly in an emergency. We always want to... Renton Regional Fire Authority receives calls each year regarding recreational fires. Recreational fires are defined as cooking fires, campfires,... Our profession is very fast-paced, but every once in a while we come across something that reminds us to... We had a blast at the 2019 Renton River Days over the weekend, literally and figuratively! Despite a few… Significant Incidents: June 2019 Renton RFA responded to 1,449 incidents during the month of June 2019. Below are details... Summer provides plenty of opportunities to gather and be active outdoors in the sunshine. However, be sure to keep... It is with great pride that we officially welcome eight new firefighters into the fold here at Renton RFA….
October is Fire Prevention Month
July 2019 – Significant Incident Report
Help Us, Help You: Address Guidelines
Outdoor Burning: Recreational Fires
Mystery Patch Leads to Heartwarming Memory
2019 Renton River Days
June 2019 – Significant Incident Report
Summer Safety – Common Dangers to Avoid
Academy 7 Graduates!