National Firework Safety Month
Posted on June 3, 2019 in Fire Prevention, Hot Topics, Public Education, Public Safety

June is National Fireworks Safety Month. Fireworks can be a fun and festive way to celebrate our nation’s freedom, but they also can be harmful and even deadly if not handled properly. Renton Regional Fire Authority encourages residents to have a fun and safe Fourth of July. Below are important factors to keep in mind when celebrating this year’s Independence Day.
Fourth of July
- Did you know that fireworks are banned within the City of Renton?
- The ban prohibits the personal discharge of fireworks year round.
- It is considered a felony offense to sell, possess or discharge explosive devices and homemade or modified fireworks.
- Violators are subject to both criminal citations and/or civil penalties.
- Fireworks will be confiscated.
- Sale and discharge regulations vary outside the City of Renton.
Source: City of Renton
The safest way to enjoy fireworks is to let the professionals handle them. If you live outside the City of Renton where fireworks are permitted, here are the Do’s and Don’ts of firework safety.
Firework Safety Do’s
- Point fireworks away from people, places, and things.
- Keep spectators at a safe distance.
- Have a working garden hose or approved fire extinguisher ready if necessary.
- Use eye protection when discharging fireworks.
- Light one firework at a time and move away once lit.
- Use fireworks in wide, clear areas, and on dirt or cement if possible.
- Keep a first aid kit handy.
- Always keep pets indoors.
- Be courteous of neighbor’s by cleaning up all firework debris afterwards.
- Use only state legal consumer fireworks.
Firework Safety Don’ts
- Never allow children to use or handle fireworks.
- Be extra careful with sparklers. Sparklers can heat up to 1200 degrees.
- Never point fireworks at a person, even as a joke.
- Alcohol and fireworks never mix.
- Do not wear loose clothing while using fireworks.
- Never light fireworks indoors or near dry grass.
- Avoid aerial-type fireworks.
- Do not approach a device that does not light or fire; it might discharge unexpectedly.
For more information you can visit the State Fire Marshal’s webpage at: