Renton Regional Fire Authority teamed up with the Renton Police Department and Hazen High School student volunteers today to educated students of the dangers and consequences of driving while under the influence and distracted using a realistic simulation.
The scene opened with narration from firefighter Jonathan Sarreal describing an evening between two groups of teenagers that lead to a fatal auto accident. One vehicle of students represented teens who had been drinking, the other represented a teen driver using their cell phone while driving. Once the scene was set, the drama students did an excellent job of bringing a sense of realism to the performance, checking the victims and calling for first responders.
Renton Police also played their part very well, entering the scene with lights and sirens and going through the true motions of a call. Firefighter Sarreal continued the narrative, talking through the process of first responders and providing education on some of the consequences an incident like the one depicted can have in the short and long-term life of a teen driver.
Firefighters and South King County Medic One units arrived shortly after police to attend to the “injured” students – utilizing real equipment and rescue tactics for each injured student’s scenario. Hazen students in the audience watched on as their peers played out realistic injuries and the emotions of losing their friends.
When the simulation concluded, students were invited to the auditorium to learn more about the consequences of driving while intoxicated and distracted, what to do if they witness this behavior, and what they can do to avoid it. The event, organized by firefighter Nicholas Bushnell, was impactful for both the students and the first responders.