Renton firefighter, Bryan Estibal, recently returned from Tokyo, Japan, where he attended a prestigious exchange program with the Nippon Sports Science University (NSSU).
The King County EMS System is world-renowned, and Renton Regional Fire Authority (Renton RFA) is honored to be a contributing part of that system. People are more likely to survive a cardiac arrest in King County than virtually anywhere thanks in part to the high percentage of individuals educated in, and willing to perform, bystander CPR.
In their 125-year history, NSSU in Tokyo has become famous for producing the most Olympic athletes in all of Japan. To say they focus on health and fitness is an understatement. The university currently has a paramedic bachelor’s degree program and began partnering with agencies who are part of the King County EMS System in 2016.
As part of the program, students from NSSU are flown to King County to attend ride-alongs and learn more about the King County EMS system. The university also selects four experts from agencies throughout King County each year to visit the university and various public safety agencies throughout Tokyo, provide large-scale CPR training, and teach various lectures on high performance CPR and trauma skills to students. Many qualified agency personnel vie for the opportunity to take part in this exchange program. Renton RFA is proud to have one of our members participate and represent both our agency and community with such professionalism.
“This trip has been an amazing experience! I am so grateful to NSSU for the opportunity to come share and also learn about such a fascinating culture. I have gleaned many things from learning about their fire service, but what stands out the most is their dedication to professionalism and perfection”, said Firefighter Estibal of his experience with the program.
During his trip, Firefighter Estibal toured the Tokyo Fire Department research facility, technical rescue teams, fire academy, and dispatch centers. He was also honored to meet with deputy chiefs from various areas whose seniority within the organization is directly under the head chief of the department. The Tokyo Fire Department is the largest fire department in the world.