Public Protection Classification (ISO) Rating
In 2018, our Public Protection Classification was upgraded from a Class 3 to a Class 2. This put us in the top 5 percent of fire and life safety agencies in the country and means big savings potential for the Renton property owners!
The Public Protection Classification (PPC) program is a tool developed by the Insurance Services Office (ISO) for property and casualty insurers to properly assess their risk by rating fire protection services throughout the United States.
ISO collects data from more than 40,000 communities and fire districts throughout the country. The data is analyzed using a proprietary Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS). The schedule determines a fire department’s PPC score between Class 1 and Class 10. Class 1 represents “Superior Property Fire Protection” while Class 10 indicates that an area does not meet the minimum criteria set forth by the ISO.
The improvements made to fire and life safety throughout Renton since the inception of Renton RFA have led to this outstanding upgrade in PPC for our community. Because PPC is one of the key factors in insurance premium determination, not only does this upgrade represent exceptional fire and life safety protection, Renton property owners have an even greater opportunity to realize insurance premium savings.

Click here to learn more about PPC Codes →
(please note this link takes you to, an external website we do not own or manage)