Discounts and Exemptions
Monitored Fire Alarm System
With a “Certificate of Service” from a licensed alarm monitoring company, owners of professionally installed fire alarm systems receive 7.5% off the normal Benefit Charge. Any letter, certificate or other form of proof of service provided by your licensed alarm company must reflect a current date of service within the past 30 days and the location address where service is being provided. Old alarm permits, billing statements, and photographs do not provide proof that the alarm is currently working and being monitored, and they cannot be accepted as proof of service.
To qualify for the alarm discount, you must provide proof of service from your licensed alarm company stating that your alarm coverage includes 24 hour monitoring of a fire alarm.
What is a Monitored Fire Alarm System?
A monitored fire alarm system utilizes a smoke detector that it is monitored through your existing burglar alarm system. In the event of a fire, or the presence of smoke, an activation signal is sent immediately to your Central Station.

Automatic Fire Sprinkler System
Receive a 10% reduction in the Benefit Charge if you have installed an automatic fire sprinkler system.
To qualify for the sprinkler discount, please submit at least one of the following as proof of coverage:
- A current proof of service (within the past 30 days) from your alarm company that clearly shows that automatic fire sprinklers are being monitored at the address of the building you are requesting adjustment for.
- A copy of your fire sprinkler backflow prevention test that has been performed by a qualified sprinkler contractor or your water company within the last year stating that the test is for a fire sprinkler system at the address of the building you are requesting adjustment for.
- A copy of your sprinkler confidence test report performed by a qualified contractor within the past year at the address of the building you are requesting adjustment for.
- A copy of your fire sprinkler installation permit clearly showing that the installation has had its final inspection and is installed at the address of the building you are requesting adjustment for.
Didn’t receive your monitored fire alarm or automatic sprinkler system discount? Call our in-house experts at 425-988-4939 to request a review.
Low Income Seniors and Disabled Persons
Low income seniors or disabled persons that qualify for property tax discounts under RCW 84.36.381 through 84.36.389 will receive the same percentage discount on the Benefit Charge. Seniors and disabled exemptions are administered through the King County Assessor’s Office. Only King County can grant a senior or disabled person discount. To see if you qualify, contact King County’s Exemption Unit at 206-296-3920 or visit their website at
King County released their Senior Exemption Portal, which allows seniors to apply for exemptions online. If you have questions about applying online or about exemptions or discounts through King County, please visit their website or call them directly at 206-296-3920.
Two types of senior tax relief are offered for people 60 and older and must be obtained through King County.
If you are a senior citizen and/or disabled, you may qualify for a property tax reduction/exemption if:
- Your annual income is under $84,000, including social security and other sources.
- You are at least 62 years of age the first year you apply.
- You are disabled or a veteran with service-connected evaluation of at least 80% total disability rating.
- You own the residence as of December 31 of the prior year of the property tax year.
- You occupy the residence for at least 6 months each year.
To receive more information about these qualifications, you can contact King County directly at 206-296-3920.
If you are a senior citizen and/or disabled, you may qualify for a deferral of your property tax liability if:
- You are 60 years of age or older, or retired because of a physical disability.
- You own the home in with you live and occupy it at least nine months out of the year.
- Your household income was $88,998 or less.
- You meet equity requirements.
For additional information about deferrals, you can contact King County directly at 206-296-3920.
Agricultural Use
A discount is offered for auxiliary structures, such as barns and/or storage sheds, used in conjunction to dairy, farming, and other agricultural operations. For the purpose of the Benefit Charge, properties used for marijuana growth, production, or processing are not considered agricultural use.

Exemptions to the Benefit Charge
- Religious Use – Personal property or improvements to real property owned or used by recognized religious denomination or religious organization, including sanctuary, schools and educational facilities per RCW.52.26.180(1).
- Property Not Assessed – Personal property not assessed and subject to ad valorem taxation under RCW title 84.
- Public Schools – Public schools who pay a per student stipend are exempt from the benefit charge.
- Entities with Contract for Service – Entities who contract for service with the RFA are exempt from the benefit charge.
Non-profits, governmental entities and school districts are not automatically exempt from the Benefit Charge.
WSRB Rating and the Fire Service
The WSRB (Washington State Rating Bureau) is a third party agency that provides statistical information on risk and evaluates fire department, water department and communications systems. It rates the results on a national scale from one to ten (one being the best and highest). The WSRB rating plays an important role in the underwriting process with insurance companies. Most U.S. insurers report that the rating information is used in their decision-making process when deciding what businesses to cover, what coverages to offer, and what prices to charge for personal or commercial property insurance.
The Benefit Charge has helped empower our organization to make necessary enhancements to fire and life safety throughout the Renton community to improve our Public Protection Class rating from a 3 in 2018 to a 2 in 2019. With this improvement, insurance providers can provide higher discounts on annual premiums for personal and commercial property insurance.